About us…

Once upon a time, a man with long hair and another, lesser man with no hair, decided to write a book… given how busy they both were and how slow they were at writing they decided that it was a terrible idea. The terrible idea being them writing a book, not the book itself.

The book was and still is a great idea, they just needed help, and lots of it. The help came in the form of much more capable people who were happy to contribute to the great idea.

The inspiration for the book was really quite simple. Regen Ag is currently moving at a million miles an hour with no way of keeping up with everything. A farmer or grower has to do and be a number of different things all at once and cannot possibly be expected to know everything. When you combine the fast paced nature of RegenAg with some gaps in peoples knowledge it presents an opportunity for others to capitalise.

We wanted to provide some science, expert opinion and on farm experience to try and fill a few gaps, clear the murky waters and hopefully save you from being caught out by opportunist individuals and companies.

The Almanac, which will be updated every year with the latest science, learnings and on farm experience, will be your go to for information on any and all Regen Ag practices and methods. With recognised international scientists, respected authors and educators as well as practicing practitioners providing practical experience, this book has you covered.

We aim to cover all RegenAg topics, practices and farming methods that you may be considering or adopting. This means that no matter where on the Regen journey you currently find yourself, there will be something for everyone.

Whether you read it from cover to cover or pick and choose the chapters and topics specific to you, you will find value. Even if it’s only as a reference for the bits your do know, it will provide you the confidence and understanding to make decisions that are best for you not the salespeople looking to capitalise.

And, the most important part of this project will be that ANY and ALL profits from the sale of this book WILL go towards Agricultural charities.

Carl Gibbard

Ex-Research and Development bod turned Agronomist / Trials Aficionado / Statistician. Just don’t say Math, mention moon cycles or paramagnetism!

Carl is a wanna be scientist. In fairness to him, he has contributed to a number of published and peer reviewed papers which makes him exceptionally sceptical and cynical of anything that doesn’t have scientific rigour. Annoying, within Regen Ag, lacking scientific rigour, is a statement that could be applied to almost everything. It’s why his cynicism is perfect for a project such as this, he’s almost definitely more sceptical than you, so you can trust him to pull things apart and find out the facts.

Andrew Sincock

How do know if you are in the company of a Nuffield Scholar? They will tell you! Well Andrew is a Nuffield Scholar, he likes talking shit (literally and metaphorically) and he prefers cows to people.

Andrew tried everything as a kid to avoid being a farmer, now he would do just about anything to be a farmer! That pretty much sums Andrew up, inconsistent, dreamer who isn’t afraid of hard work but he has an opinion on everything and isn’t afraid of letting you know what he thinks. Don’t take it personally though as tomorrow he will probably have a different opinion and actually agree with you!

The only good thing about his indecisiveness is that Andrew remains constantly openminded. He also has a proclivity for asking why. The single most annoying question in the universe but also pretty useful too! His ability to ask why, listen to the answer and then process what he has been told before telling anyone willing to listen, makes him pretty useful at disseminating information.